One of the best teachers I have ever known has a tattoo on the inside of her wrist of the snake from “The Little Prince.” She told me it was her reminder not to crush students’ dreams. Between the...
My hometown of Chicago has touted itself as a progressive city for many years. We’ve stood firm in our position as a sanctuary city and recently moved towards the legalization of marijuana—pushing a...
True story. The other day I was recording an episode of my podcast with 11th graders at a school on the far south-side of Chicago. During our conversation about their experiences as Black students in...
In schools across America, Black and Latino students are being pushed into less advanced courses, while their White peers reap the benefits of taking advanced classes, setting them up for better...
When I graduated from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education with a master’s degree in school leadership, I was confident I would quickly be hired as an administrator. I met all the requirements...