Happy 2025! Longtime readers will know that CRPE prides itself on “thinking forward.” We make straight-out predictions from time to time, but we mostly look around the corner at looming trends,...
Last February, I went out on a limb and made ten predictions about what we’d see this year regarding policy and practice. At the time, I said: “Unlike cable news pundits, who rarely hold themselves...
With the arrival of the second Trump administration this January, a host of new dynamics and realities will emerge in education politics. The incoming president has made it known that he intends to...
Every child deserves an excellent education—every child. That’s a principle, presumably, no one would argue with, and I’ve spent my entire career working toward it. Yet, critiques of culturally...
Editor's note: this post was originally written in 2018, and has been updated to celebrate our CEO Chris Stewart's birthday. Perhaps the most important act a father can do for their child, is to...