Hurricane Helene has left a trail of devastation across parts of North Carolina, with severe consequences for communities, schools, and children. The storm's powerful winds and torrential rains have...
Back-to-school season is often filled with excitement and anxiety for students. While this is true for all students, including those who are neurotypical, neurodiverse, or disabled, back-to-school...
The New Niagara project is a modern-day initiative with deep historical roots, designed to define and improve the state of Black education in the United States. Based on the spirit of the original...
Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison's words would have made her a literary giant no matter what, but her position as one of our country's 'most-banned' authors gives her an arguably more important...
We’re back in a new school year, and I’m struck by how let down Black and brown students and communities have been in recent years. Let me explain. Promises were made to Black and brown children...