

Were You Ever Told You Are Not a Math Person?

Were you ever told you are not a “math person” growing up? That’s what the Ed Post team wanted to know this week. So we asked our readers. Question of the Week is back and we're starting off with a...

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Is There a ‘Science of Math’ Too?

A small group of first-graders sits around teacher Rhianna Penner at Tomahawk Elementary School in Olathe, Kansas, whiteboards and markers in hand. They’re trying to find all the different ways...

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Achievement Gap

Grades Mean Nothing in Oakland Schools

In Oakland, we are facing a critical challenge that threatens the future of our students: the stark disconnect between the grades they receive and their actual proficiency in essential subjects like...

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Summer Professional Development for Math Teachers

School’s out and summer is officially here! For many teachers, this is the time to unwind and distance yourself from everything related to teaching. For others, the summer is a golden opportunity to...

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School Choice

The Right Choice: Keeping Chicago’s Public School Options Open

Growing up on Chicago’s South Side, my parents chose my schools based on what they felt was best for me, not simply the "best" school by general standards. That personal experience shapes my view of...

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Tired of Pushing Science To The Side? Give It A Boost In The Classroom

As this school year winds down, I've talked with colleagues and reflected on changes I'd love to see in U.S. schools. I keep thinking about the degree to which the national conversation on improving...

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