

Bans or Boundaries? The Ongoing Battle Over Cell Phone Use in Schools

During my senior year of high school, I learned I was accepted into Purdue University as an education major, and my family began helping me prepare to move away from home. This resulted in an...

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A Teacher’s Guide to AI: Demystifying Tech for the Classroom

Many teachers feel exhausted at the end of the academic year, emotionally and physically. There is so much for a teacher to do that has nothing to do with teaching. This is why it's worth trying to...

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The Promises and Perils of AI for America's Youngest Generation

President Joe Biden, in his recent State of the Union address, acknowledged one of the most urgent issues of our time: the rapid advancement of technology and the effect it has on our children: “But...

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Is AI Cheating? Using Keystrokes to Catch Plagiarists

ChatGPT has released a tsunami of plagiarism issues in classrooms around the country. What if the answer to these issues was something very basic – the way that students actually write using...

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This year, I’m Black to the Future. | Black History Month 2024

Consider this lesser-known vignette from 1968: Captain Kirk, a white character, and Lieutenant Uhura, a black character, share an on-screen kiss in "Star Trek." At a time when 80 percent of Americans...

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Literacy Ed Tech Can Provide Invaluable Support At Home

I taught middle school English for years. I was an elementary literacy coach and an elementary librarian. My sons really had no choice but to love reading and learn how to read. What if you aren’t a...

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