Ed Post Staff

Posts By Ed Post Staff


Award-Winning Educators Call on States to Halt Bans on Critical Race Theory

As award-winning elementary and secondary school educators, we seek to ensure that our students receive an excellent education, to advance our students’ skills, knowledge, and motivation to succeed...

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This Teacher Uses the Beatles To Teach His Students Latin

We value innovation here at Education Post, and New Jersey teacher Keith Andrew Massey is chock full of it. Massey teaches Latin. We’re still living through a pandemic, in case you hadn’t heard. So,...

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See Who Made Brightbeam's 2021 List of Rising Women

For Women’s History Month, we asked readers on social media to nominate the women who are changing education for the better. It was hard to cut the nominees down to just 21 rising women for the...

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Special Education

School Discipline Explained: Why It Harms Students of Color and How We Can Fix It

Over many decades, America’s disciplinary policies, from preschool to high school, have disproportionately affected marginalized students. This difference creates a “discipline gap.” Black students...

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California Parents and Advocates Sue for the Constitutional Right to Education

The Oakland REACH is an Oakland-based, parent-run, parent-led group committed to empowering families from our most underserved communities to demand high-quality schools for our children. The Oakland...

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Achievement Gap

Students of Color Are Depending on You November 3. Don't Throw Away Your Shot.

On the eve of America’s 244th birthday, the critically acclaimed play, "Hamilton," debuted on Disney+, making the cultural touchstone available to millions in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic....

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