California Parents and Advocates Sue for the Constitutional Right to Education

Dec 2, 2020 12:00:00 AM


The Oakland REACH is an Oakland-based, parent-run, parent-led group committed to empowering families from our most underserved communities to demand high-quality schools for our children.

The Oakland REACH is taking our advocacy for Black and Brown families to the next level: This morning we joined with other families and the Community Coalition of Los Angeles to file a lawsuit in Superior Court against the State of California. We're fighting for the Constitutional right to a quality education for our kids, and demanding parents be at the center of the plan to address education inequities across the state. 

Public Counsel Law Firm is taking on the case - they've led very successful lawsuits previously around the right to literacy in California and UC's use of SAT and ACT in Admissions. Through this lawsuit, we'll be raising up how organizations like ours are delivering for students during COVID19 with our Hub, while the state is failing us -- with the goal to deliver more rights for parent involvement in our children's education.

FROM Public Counsel's Press Statement:

Educational inequities for Black and Brown low-income students are multiplying.

ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA – November 30, 2020 – This morning, seven families, along with Community Coalition and The Oakland REACH, filed a lawsuit in Superior Court against the State of California for failing to meets its Constitutional obligation to ensure basic educational equality. 

“These families and organizations are coming forward to hold the State accountable for educating children in their communities,” said Jesselyn Friley, Staff Attorney at Public Counsel’s Opportunity Under Law Project. “The education children were offered before the pandemic did not meet the standards set by California’s constitution, and what they’ve received since March 2020 is education in name only.”

Read the full press release and check out the complaint filed by Public Counsel Law Firm.

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