At just 21 years old, Kegan Martindale-Hernandez is making history and breaking barriers as an African American pilot. His journey from a young aviation enthusiast to a licensed pilot is a story of...
E’leese Shelton, a remarkable 12-year-old, has achieved an extraordinary milestone by graduating high school and heading to college, setting a new benchmark for young academic achievers. E’leese...
At just 12 years old, Cameron Robinson has achieved what most teenagers can only dream of—earning an Associate of Arts degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ). This remarkable young...
Historically dull and often overlooked by the average voter, school board elections have become some of the hottest elections on local ballots nationwide. These down-ballot races have been thrust...
When I was a young, there was nothing quite like a Saturday morning. No school, no responsibilities, and a full lineup of Saturday morning cartoons. Ahh... the GenX nostalgia for a time when cartoons...