While many kids were enjoying their summer break, 12-year-old Jayden Jackson from Columbus, Georgia, was making a name for himself as an industrious young entrepreneur. Jayden, who recently finished...
At just 12 years old, Zoe Oli is already making waves in the business world. This young entrepreneur from Atlanta is the mastermind behind Beautiful Curly Me, a doll company dedicated to empowering...
Lauren Scruggs: Making Olympic History and Inspiring Future Generations Lauren Scruggs is the first Black American woman to earn an individual medal in Fencing. Standing in disbelief with a silver...
Elijah Hogan, a 19-year-old student from Louisiana, has defied incredible odds to graduate as the valedictorian of Walter L. Cohen High School in New Orleans with a remarkable 3.93 GPA. His journey...
NeeAli Scott, a 17-year-old senior at Savannah Arts Academy, has achieved a remarkable milestone. Before walking across the stage to receive her high school diploma, NeeAli earned her associate of...