In this conversation, Ed Post Senior Digital Manager Lisa Hollenbach talks with Dr. Irvin Scott, Harvard Graduate School of Education Senior Lecturer and author of 'Leading with Heart and Soul: 30 Inspiring Lessons of Faith, Learning, and Leadership for Educators," about his upcoming book, the intersection of faith and education, the importance of partnerships between faith and education communities, and the need for innovative educational leadership. Dr. Scott emphasizes the value of recognizing and embracing personal and professional identity, the power of singing and music in education, and the role of arts in fostering well-rounded, high-quality education for all students. Dr. Scott also addresses the challenges faced in education, including the politicization of curriculum and the need for individuals to get involved and advocate for equitable education, the role of nonprofits in education, and how organizations can contribute to the vision of educational change.
In recent years, public schools in several cities have emerged as beacons of hope, demonstrating...
What does the future of AI hold for Black education? Chris, Sharif, and Ismael discuss the the need...
Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. Lisa: Welcome! I'm Lisa...
The story you tell yourself about your own math ability tends to become true. This isn’t some Oprah aphorism about attracting what you want from the universe. Well, I guess it kind of is, but...
If you have a child with disabilities, you’re not alone: According to the latest data, over 7 million American schoolchildren — 14% of all students ages 3-21 — are classified as eligible for special...
The fight for educational equity has never been just about schools. The real North Star for this work is providing opportunities for each child to thrive into adulthood. This means that our advocacy...
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