Teacher No-Name: A.J., you need to leave the classroom before the rest of the class can start the test. Me: Do you realize the damage caused by your insensitivity to my private accommodations? Do you have any sense that maybe the rest of the class does not need to be made aware of my accommodation? Do you understand that by pointing out my accommodation to the rest of the class you make me appear different? When, in fact, I am not?Too bad I did not have the stones to say it like that to my teacher back then, only enough to have my own thoughts rattle in my head. I wanted so badly for the class to see how inappropriate that teacher was. On one occasion, I was asked to speak to incoming freshman and their parents during an open house for our school. But I was specifically being asked to speak about our school’s TEAM program, the very program at our school designed for students with IEPs (individualized education programs that every kid in my shoes was assigned). In other words, the “special” program. I spoke for about 10 minutes on the numerous different resources and accommodations our school offered. After I was done speaking, the head of the TEAM program used me as an example and said, “See, our students in this program can learn to advocate for themselves, just like everybody else.” I nearly exploded. Here [pullquote]I was being singled out because of my learning difference.[/pullquote] It was assumed that I couldn’t advocate for myself or speak cogently to an audience. Meanwhile, my speech had nothing to do with self-advocating, it was actually about how we as IEP students have no disadvantages in our school. As if to prove me wrong, her remark stung me and reminded me that I was “special.” I felt like the skinniest kid at fat camp. I felt like the best of the worst. I was the smartest of the dumb.
A.J. Spitz is a junior at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa and summer intern for Education Post.
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