Critical Race Theory Bans Are White Supremacy’s Trojan Horse
Y’all, are they still teaching Greek mythology in schools? Interestingly, it used to be one of my favorite subjects in grammar school. Now, in retrospect—and with an abolitionist mind—I realize it...
You Don't Have to Be a Critical Race Scholar to Apply a Critical Race Lens to Your Practice
In education, we have a tendency to overcomplicate things by getting caught up with sophisticated academic jargon for things that, I believe, are common sense. Differentiation, culturally relevant...
The System Is Not Built for Teachers to Have an Opinion
At the close of the 2020-2021 school year, I experienced the most significant “break-up” of my life. The following is my unexpected farewell to teaching ......
student achievement
Don’t Buy Into the Hype Around Learning Loss
I get it: “learning loss” is scary. Considering the unprecedented overuse of the word “unprecedented” to describe what our nation’s K-12 education system has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, we...
Oakland's School Board Cares More About Politics Than It Does About Kids and Families
Reyna Morales lives in Oakland, California, and is the parent of two students at a high-performing charter school located in an area with a dearth of quality school options for Black and Latino/a,...
The Only Cure for White Supremacy Is To Teach Students Real American History
On January 6, as my students were learning about the history of trench warfare during World War I, I had no idea that our own Capitol was under attack―and not from outside invaders, but from people...