We’re Not Done: Parents and Allies of Transgender Youth Vow to Protect Our Kids

Mar 7, 2017 12:00:00 AM


Yesterday's decision by the Supreme Court felt like a physical blow. It hurt like one. But as parents do, we must rise up from heavy blows to our families and children and become stronger. We will continue to fight for the basic rights of our children to exist and live safely and freely in schools and public life. That is what Gavin Grimm's case is all about. Existing safely in public space. Don't we all want that for ourselves and our children? Gavin, our daughter Ellie, and thousands of families like ours need allies in all corners of this country right now. We have and will continue to #StandWithGavin and the many families who live in states where this ruling is especially damaging. Families, trans students and trans people, are not alone in this. Title IX and the Constitution still stand as do millions of allies, churches, schools and institutions willing to defend rights. See  our blog for statements and actionable items from major organizations. In the last two weeks so many things have happened that encourage us to move forward. We met and spoke with Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings who, with tears in all our eyes, gave us advice to keep fighting. My sister's family marched in Boston to Stand with Trans Kids. The Neal Family solidified my love for them as a whole with important pieces of advocacy and beautiful, original compositions of music. Changing hearts and minds takes time. It takes stories. It takes love, compassion, thoughtfulness and persistence. Today we recommit to putting all of those things into this fight—for Gavin, for Ellie and for all families and children like ours. You can join us at our Facebook page. All of us are not going anywhere. In fact, we are only getting stronger. We are not done.
Photo courtesy of JR and Vanessa Ford.

Vanessa Ford

Vanessa Ford is a charter school parent in Washington, D.C. She and her husband JR Ford work to raise awareness for transgender youth, and she currently sits on the board of the National Center for Transgender Equality.

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