The End of DACA Could Mean Death for Immigrants Like Me

Sep 7, 2017 12:00:00 AM


As a foreign-born citizen, I am devastated with the Trump administration's decision to end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Over 800,000 young undocumented immigrants could be deported. Through DACA, recipients were allowed to attend school and work legally in this country. They have worked hard, paid taxes, provided for their families and strengthened our communities. These are people who have or will develop the next life-changing idea for our society. With the phasing out of DACA, young people will be forced to return to a country they may not even remember or know. Many DREAMers come from countries that have had their governments overthrown by terrorists and corrupt organizations. [pullquote]Trump could send many to countries flooded with poverty and death.[/pullquote]   I was born in Sanaa, Yemen, so I know how scary it is to face the possibility of returning to a country that has nothing but chaos and instability waiting for you. While I am not a DACA recipient, I understand how DREAMers feel. My life would be significantly changed for the worst if I were forced to return there because it has an environment where dreams are thrown out the window by constant war and an unstable economy. In the United States, I have been able to receive a quality education and take advantage of advanced technology and infrastructure which unfortunately is not available in my home county of Yemen. Here, I am able to exercise my passions and goals and am surrounded by inspirations. I will also bring pride to my family by being the first to attend and complete college. Aside from the fact that I cannot live up to my real potential in Yemen, we must brave the risk of actually being killed even if my family lives in a considerably safe area. Although this may not be the case for everyone, corruption and violence are what I face in the wake of rescinding DACA, and this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of DREAMers.
An original version of this post appeared on Huffington Post as Witnessing the Rescinding of DACA Through the Eyes of 17-Year-Old Immigrant, and was supported by Charles Cole III and the Energy Convertors Fellowship in Oakland, California.
Photo of Edrees Said.

Edrees Saied

Edrees Saied was born in Sanaa, Yemen. Saied currently attends Oakland Technical High School and plans to go to and finish college. He's really passionate about using the full extents of his capabilities to reveal his potential. Furthermore, he's very passionate about being able to solve problems, whether they be physical or emotional.

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