
Charter Schools

At Freedom School Literacy Academy, Black Pride and Academic Achievement Go Hand-in-Hand

Erika Asikoye is the Director of the Freedom School Literacy Academy (FSLA) at The Center for Black Educator Development in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The FSLA, for the third consecutive summer, is...

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student achievement

This Is Our Window of Opportunity to Create a Diverse Teacher Workforce

Racial segregation remains a major issue for American students more than 65 years after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education. Racial segregation is especially...

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student achievement

Black Principals Can Serve as a Bridge To Get More Black Teachers Into the Classroom

The research is clear on the impact of Black teachers on Black student achievement. Black students who have had at least one Black teacher are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college...

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student achievement

5 Ways We Can Start to Dismantle White Supremacy in Our Schools

All children deserve a good education, but too many of them do not receive one. Unsurprisingly, students who are most likely to attend under-resourced schools with underprepared teachers are poor,...

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Achievement Gap

When We Talk to Our Students, Let's Focus Less on 'Learning Loss' and More on Their Learning Leaps

In the winter and spring of 2021, as the year of remote and hybrid learning continued, I started to notice a drop in attendance, particularly amongst my top-achieving students. Students have told me...

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Charter Schools

As Cities Drop Remote Learning, Some Families Want It Back

It’s no secret that the phrase “remote learning” is synonymous with frustration for many families who have been dealing with Zoom class horror stories and Google project pandemonium for over a year....

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