
student support

After the Last Year and a Half, We Must Never Forget How Resilient Students Are

Kids today are too fragile. We’re raising a generation of snowflakes! It’s a universal truth: As long as there are young people, there will be older people who complain about them. Today’s youth are...

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whole child

When We Let Go of Assumptions About What School Should Look Like, We Can Better Support the Whole Child

The Center on Reinventing Public Education has been a leader in tracking school districts’ responses to the pandemic and in showcasing innovations that could help public schools emerge from this time...

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Q&A With Alicia Dixon: Mutual Accountability Is a Stepping Stone on the Path to Justice

Alicia Dixon is executive director of the Marcus Foster Education Institute (MFEI). Since 1973, MFEI has been committed to improving educational opportunities and outcomes for all students in...

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We'll Never Agree on CRT, but We Can All Agree We Want to Produce Students Who Do Good

Our world has been forever changed as a result of the pandemic as well as the racial unrest of 2020. We learned new ways of being — how to be alone, how to distance, how to properly wash our hands,...

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whole child

Q&A: Selma's Superintendent Keeps Kids Learning, Even as COVID Rages

In 2017 Dr. Avis Williams came to Selma City Schools as its new superintendent, taking over an urban district where almost all students are economically disadvantaged and struggle academically. Due...

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student achievement

Relationships Don't Come Before Rigor, They Go Hand in Hand

I’m a sixth grade teacher grappling with the reality of teaching kids who may not have darkened a school door in over a year. Many students haven’t been in an actual classroom since their elementary...

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