

America Is Losing Sight Of Teachers’ Humanity

Do you remember when teachers were heroes? It was a pretty great week. I got a couple of Amazon gift cards from my students and a really nice email from a parent about how committed I was to making...

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More Than 330,000 of Chicago's Children Didn't Learn Today Because of CPS's Staggering Lack of Planning

Once again, drama is flaring over Chicago Public Schools’ management of the pandemic. In the city of Chicago, more than 330,000 children are not learning today because last night, teachers voted to...

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Parent Power: Will We Choose Pitchforks or Partnerships?

After two tumultuous years of intermittent school closures, parents and caregivers are claiming their power within the education system in a new way. It ain’t always pretty. Recent board meetings...

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opportunity gap

5 Tips From States Leading the Way on Learning Recovery

With students back in classrooms and the true measure of missed learning during the pandemic becoming apparent, we at Zearn are often asked for “the one thing that schools should be doing to get...

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Want to Stop the Spread? Close Bars and Let Kindergartners Eat Inside

As we enter the second winter of COVID, we know that cases will rise as people spend more time indoors and gather for the holidays. Even with extremely effective vaccines and booster doses widely...

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Special Education

Here's How Mask Mandates Can Violate the Civil Rights of Students With Disabilities

This fall most parents celebrated the return to in-person instruction after witnessing their children struggle with remote learning. For parents of many students with disabilities, this return to the...

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