

Black Teacher Who Let Students Braid Hair Needs Guidance, Not Punishment

There has already been so much conversation about this teacher, who ended up getting fired (allegedly) for live-streaming his students unbraiding his hair. For the record, I believe there’s more to...

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Our Kids Flourish at a Diversity-by-Design School

We are three mothers of biracial children. When exploring what K-12 should look like for our kids, we knew that diversity and academic performance needed to be top priorities. As we looked at the...

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8 Things That Make a Good School

Educators have difficulty agreeing upon what makes a “good school.” My thoughts about this topic have continued to change as I progressed through K-12, earned my bachelor’s degree, began teaching,...

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Black Educators: When They Tell You to Tone Down, Turn Up.

“Too stern.” “Too loud.” “Too sassy.” “Too aggressive.” “Too blunt.” These are phrases that I was called throughout my career by white colleagues. A few years ago, I shared how a principal responded...

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What Are We Willing to Lose So Our Kids Can Gain?

“I’m scared.” These were two words an elementary teacher uttered after a professional development “lunch-and-learn” I facilitated a couple of years ago for an elementary school. The topic was...

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Current Events Belong in Teaching, But Social Justice Rooting is Needed

A decade ago, when new to the teaching profession, the real world interrupted the classroom with the murder of Trayvon Martin. The very next time we had class after his murder, I spent the entire day...

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