

How to Raise Children Who Celebrate Diversity

Nearly a century ago, Father Flanagan, the founder of Boys Town, said, It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate. Recent horrific events show how much racial...

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George Floyd Is Proof America Needs More Black Teachers

America, 2020: A Black man is recorded being killed in broad daylight by a White police officer trained to “protect and serve.” As videos and eyewitnesses begin to uncover the lies told about George...

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opportunity gap

5 Ways School Leaders Can Begin to Better Equip Themselves to Deal With the Challenge We're Facing

One of my mentors begins each interrogative problem-solving conversation with the same question, “Who knew what, when, and what did you do about it?” The question pushes us to think and rely on our...

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How ‘Social Distancing’ Is Changing the Way We View Schools

Paradoxically enough, as Washington, D.C., has slid from mass school closures into social distancing and working from home toward increasingly likely shelter-in-place, my neighborhood is erupting...

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Black History Is American History and Should Be Celebrated All Year Long

As a Minnesotan, February is a signal that the warmth of spring is so close yet so far away (seriously, last Thursday the high was two degrees!). And as someone deeply committed to fighting for...

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Special Education

Children With Disabilities Have Civil Rights, Too

When we think of legally segregated and unequal schools, we usually think of the Jim Crow system of “Black and White” schools. Most of us know from our social studies classes, that the United States...

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