Observing National School Choice Week

Jan 23, 2023 7:00:00 PM


Every child deserves a quality education, but finding the right school can be a daunting task. In the wake of the pandemic, parents are increasingly taking school choice into their own hands. 

This year’s  National School Choice Week, January 22-28, offers more than 26,000 events across the country to help families find the right K-12 education option for their children–from traditional public schools to charters and homeschooling. Check out the events happening in your state. 

On Saturday,  San Antonio Charter Moms helped families explore school options through “School Discovery Day.”  In 2012, Cotton was inspired to create San Antonio Charter Moms and the “School Discovery Day” event after struggling to find a right-fit school for  her son. Since then, the organization has helped thousands of San Antonio families find the right school environment for their children.

The nonprofit partnered with 30 San Antonio-area schools to kick off their National School Choice Week campaign. The event provided an opportunity for more than 120 families to learn more about the public, private, magnet, charter, online and home-schooling options available to them. 

San Antonio Charter Moms founder Inga Cotton encouraged parents to not only think about the schools’ open enrollment deadlines, but also their children’s particular interests, academic needs and the school’s location.

(Photo courtesy San Antonio Charter Moms)


Lami Zhang

Lami Zhang is an editorial intern at Brightbeam. She is currently a fourth year undergraduate student at Northwestern University studying Journalism and Political Science.

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