I Know It Sounds Weird But I'm a High Schooler Who Loves Teaching

Feb 16, 2018 12:00:00 AM


This post is part of a series by high school students who are sharing their love of teaching during #LoveTeaching week. The students participate in Educators Rising, a national organization for aspiring teachers and their mentors.
I am a high school senior. I am not supposed to “love teaching.” I am supposed to be looking forward to getting out of high school and exploring the “greater” things in life. I am supposed to be doing the minimum amount of work necessary to get out of school early each day to appease my “senioritis.” I am supposed to be a senior who only associates with other seniors. But that’s not me.

I am a high school senior and I love teaching

I love walking into my student teaching internship every day to hear, “Hi, Ms. Abi!” I love knowing that every day I get to help my students gain wisdom and become better prepared for the future ahead of them. [pullquote position="right"]I love knowing that if I don’t do anything else in a day, I am still changing the world.[/pullquote] I love it when my teachers come up to me throughout the day just to talk about teaching and how great it is, or to pass on advice for things that took them years to figure out. I love that during my classes as a student, I can watch my teachers pull in tons of great teaching methods that I know take time and effort to make successful. I love that my favorite thing to do on a stressful day is to daydream about my future classroom and all the amazing things I will get to do with my students. Like I said, I am not your typical senior. I cannot wait to get out of school—not because I want freedom, but because I am ready to get started on my path as a teacher. I don’t need to explore the “greater” things in life because I know that I’m headed for the greatest thing of all: teaching. I am a high school senior, and I truly love teaching. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYy3umggGn0/?taken-by=educatorsrising

Abigael Dillon

Abigael Dillon is a senior at Lexington High School in Lexington, Texas. She is the 2017–2018 Educators Rising National Student Chief of Staff.

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