How My Son's School Helped Him Get a Full Scholarship to College | Como la Escuela de mi Hijo lo Ayudo a Recibir una Beca Completa a la Universidad

Jul 20, 2018 12:00:00 AM


[tabby title="English"] I met my husband in Puerto Rico in 1980. We married young and we moved to Boston to live with his family. After a number of years trying to conceive, life blessed us with Luis, and later with his sister, Gianna. Luis attended Boston Public Schools from kindergarten through fifth grade. He never had problems at school, though when he was little they recommended that I have him tested for ADD. The evaluation found that he did not have problems paying attention, but during his years in elementary school he had a tendency to act distracted in the classroom. At the time when he was about to graduate from fifth grade, a number of people had talked to us about public charter schools, and we decided to enter the lottery that spring. We received a seat at Boston Prep Charter Public School in Hyde Park, and it was during those first few years at Boston Prep that we realized that the reason that Luis had been distracted was that he had not felt challenged in the classroom. At Boston Prep we immediately saw a huge change in Luis, not just academically, but also as a person and as a member of his school community. At Boston Prep, if someone in the school community is having a tough day, everyone knows it. Students, teachers and administrators all look out for and support one another. As a mother, I never heard of a single bullying incident at the school. Regardless of race, skin color, anything, all members of the school community are equals (and treated as such). [pullquote position="right"]They are truly a family.[/pullquote] The school provides a lot of structure and high expectations, but they do so with a high level of support. In sixth grade they start talking to the kids about college and students start to visit universities in their first year. It was thanks to this focus on getting ready for college and career, that last year the school helped Luis secure a full scholarship to attend NYU’s eight-week summer program where he received credit for two college courses. This experience helped him prepare mentally for college life. This year, Luis graduated from Boston Prep. Though he graduated in 2018, at his school, his class is known as the class of 2022—the year in which the students are expected to graduate from college. Luis received a full scholarship to Northeastern University. And when I say full, I mean that I went to pay the admission fee and they told me even that was included! Gianna, his sister, is also at Boston Prep. My husband and I are so proud that our children will represent first-generation college students and we are grateful to Boston Prep for helping support our family’s educational dreams. [tabby title="Español"] Conocí a mi esposo en 1980 en Puerto Rico. Nos casamos jóvenes y nos mudamos a Boston para vivir con su familia. Después de varios años tratando de tener hijos, la vida nos bendijo con Luis, y luego con su hermana Gianna. Desde Kindergarten hasta 5to grado, Luis estudió en Boston Public Schools. Luis nunca fue de tener problemas en la escuela, aunque de chiquito me recomendaron evaluarlo por ADD. La evaluación dijo que no tenía problemas prestando atención, pero durante sus años en esta escuela siguió medio distraído durante las clases. Cuando estaba a punto de graduarse de 5to grado, mucha gente me había hablado sobre las escuelas charter públicas. Con su padre, decidimos aplicar para la lotería de varias charters y recibimos un lugar en Boston Prep Charter Public School en Hyde Park. Fue en esos primeros años que nos dimos cuenta que la razón que Luis había estado distraído era porque estaba aburrido en la escuela. En Boston Prep, vimos un cambio extraordinario en Luis, no solo académicamente, pero como persona y como miembro de una comunidad escolar. En Boston Prep, si alguien en la escuela está triste todo el mundo lo sabe. Los estudiantes, los maestros y los directores todos se cuidan y se ayudan. Como madre, nunca supe sobre un caso de bullying. Es realmente una comunidad llena de amor y apoyo. Blanco, negro, como sea, todos los miembros de la comunidad son iguales. [pullquote position="right"]Son una familia.[/pullquote] La escuela tiene mucha estructura pero también muchísimos apoyos. Ya en 6to grado te están hablando sobre la universidad y los estudiantes comienzan a visitar universidades en ese primer año. Fue gracias a ese enfoque universitario, que el año pasado la escuela lo ayudó a Luis a conseguir una beca completa por 8 semanas en NYU tomando dos clases acreditadas. Esta experiencia lo ayudó a prepararse mentalmente para la vida universitaria. Este mes, Luis se graduó de Boston Prep. Aunque se graduó en 2018, en su escuela se conocen como la clase del 2022—el año en que los estudiantes se van a graduar de la universidad. Luis recibió una beca completa a Northeastern University. ¡Y cuando digo completa, fui a pagar el “admission fee” y me dijeron que aun eso estaba incluido! Gianna, su hermana, también estudia en Boston Prep. Mi esposo y yo sentimos mucho orgullo que nuestros hijos van a ser la primera generación de estudiantes universitarios en nuestra familia y le damos las gracias a Boston Prep por ayudarnos a realizar nuestros sueños de educación para nuestros hijos. [tabbyending]

Diana Negron

Diana Negron is the mother of two children, both of whom have attended a charter school since sixth grade. Her son graduated in June 2018 and will attend Northeastern University, and her daughter recently completed her freshman year of high school. Diana moved to United States from Puerto Rico with her husband and now serves as the office manager of a law office in Boston.

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