Help Other Parents Find the Best Schools for Their Kids by Sharing Your Story

Jan 22, 2019 12:00:00 AM


When we want to improve things, we often talk about what is broken. But if we truly want to find solutions, we need to pay more attention to what is working. Education in America provides a perfect example. We can learn so much—and improve so much—if we look at stories of success, too. Here is your chance to play a role. Do you love your kid’s school? Do your children have great teachers? Are they learning and growing in ways that make you proud? That’s what National School Choice Week is all about—finding and spreading the word about great schools, different schools that can be the perfect fit for every unique child. Whether your child attends a traditional public school, a charter school, a faith-based private school, a nonreligious private school, a magnet school—whether your children attend a brick-and-mortar building or homeschool—or whether you’ve combined a variety of options to tailor the education to your child’s unique needs, talents, and goals—whatever it is, if you love it, talk about it. Why? For one—and let’s not underestimate the importance of this—it gives you an opportunity to be the bearer of good news. In today’s world, who doesn’t need more good news in their life? But more importantly, you can help other parents find the best schools for their own kids. Some parents may be struggling to find the right school or education program, and maybe they haven’t considered their local public schools, or maybe they are nervous about diving into homeschooling. Maybe they don’t know about scholarship opportunities that you’ve tapped into. But you know what your kid’s school is like. You know how to make it work on a tight budget, or how to navigate the system; you know which teachers are great and which to avoid; you know what kinds of people your son or daughter is meeting at their school. As a parent, you know what it’s like to love your children and care deeply about their success, and you know a lot more than what’s available on the school’s website. You have a voice—the authentic voice of experience, and it matters. Whether it’s at an official National School Choice Week event or in the parking lot after soccer practice, talk with other parents about why you love your school. Every child deserves a great education, and everyone—politicians, teachers, school leaders, parents—has a role to play.

Andrew Campanella

Andrew Campanella has served as president of National School Choice Week since 2012. An enthusiastic advocate for educational opportunity, Andrew has led National School Choice Week (NSCW) during a time of remarkable growth. Before joining the NSCW team, Andrew worked in senior-level positions at two national non-profit organizations focused on K-12 education. In these roles, Andrew worked to help enroll students in school choice programs, and to recruit new teachers for public schools. Andrew grew up in southern New Jersey and attended traditional public schools from grades K-12. He graduated from American University in Washington, D.C. and currently lives in Blue Mountain Beach, Florida. Andrew is the author of the forthcoming book, “ The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child.”

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