#EdEquityChat Roundup: Is Education a Civil Right?

Sep 27, 2018 12:00:00 AM


Yesterday evening, Education Post held an #EdEquityChat on Twitter based on answering the question, “Is Education a Civil Right?" In light of the current climate where Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration continue to roll back protections for several vulnerable groups, the topic takes on extra significance.

Here Are Some Highlights From the Twitter Chat:

The crux of the issue we wanted to get at...So, is education a civil right or not? The majority of responses landed somewhere between “YES!” and it definitely “should be.” https://twitter.com/esanzi/status/1045104083940577282 https://twitter.com/educatorbarnes/status/1045118776277110784 Several people went even further to say it’s not just about access to an education, it’s about where or not a “quality” education should be considered a civil right. https://twitter.com/ChyriseH/status/1045103859750690816 https://twitter.com/nehemiah_frank/status/1045103851756552197 Diving deeper, are there certain education rights that should be guaranteed to all students? https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045104241239625729 Dr. Davis Dixon, a research associate at The Education Trust, highlighted the importance of access to rigorous coursework. A recent Ed Trust report highlighted a gap in the strength of math assignments between well-resourced schools and those in higher poverty areas. https://twitter.com/DrDavisDixon/status/1045105808168509440 Others noted the importance of resources and opportunities. https://twitter.com/PeeplesChoice85/status/1045105473429676033 https://twitter.com/MrsWilkins_TOY/status/1045106852013510657 Our third question asked why civil rights laws in education exist for certain subgroups. https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045106282947104768 The common theme was that it comes down to historical context and protecting those who have been marginalized and discriminated against. https://twitter.com/ajeanicole/status/1045108036031979520 https://twitter.com/RollinMiriam/status/1045106912512151552 https://twitter.com/NNSTOY/status/1045107502013173761 https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045108750045118464 Are schools doing things differently in light of the fact that the Trump administration has initiated civil rights rollbacks for students of color as well as those with special needs? https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045108750045118464 Miriam Rollin, director of the Education Civil Rights Alliance highlighted some of those rollbacks. https://twitter.com/RollinMiriam/status/1045109545436106752 And, maybe it’s too early to know how things will play out and how schools can respond. https://twitter.com/nyschooltalk/status/1045108948783845377 https://twitter.com/TheKeyConsult/status/1045109627594125313 Question five dealt specifically with students with disabilities and whether or not they are receivings the protections and services they need in schools. https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045110596801310721 The general consensus was “no”, and that teachers and schools need more resources and support in providing the services these students deserve. https://twitter.com/RhodesBeland/status/1045114008880250882 https://twitter.com/Ms_KentAACPS/status/1045117545752264705 https://twitter.com/leeder899/status/1045124411903209473 Which civil rights in education are people worried are under threat? https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045112194105573376 Civil rights regarding sexual assaults and discipline disparities. https://twitter.com/RollinMiriam/status/1045113255671345155 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which ensures students with a disability receive tailored services. https://twitter.com/radiokeri/status/1045114789960331264 Finally, in 2018, 50 years after MLK Jr. gave his iconic “I Have a Dream Speech,” we wonder if education is the civil rights issue of our time. https://twitter.com/edu_post/status/1045113819830394883 Some said yes: https://twitter.com/RhodesBeland/status/1045115515277123586 https://twitter.com/TheKeyConsult/status/1045115182840721409 Another response noted that before pointing out just education, we should realize the original fight for civil rights is not finished. “If we are honest with ourselves as a country, we haven't yet realized the true essence of everything our civil rights leaders fought for.” https://twitter.com/DrDavisDixon/status/1045115583094820865 Weren’t able to join the chat? Check out more of what happened and join the conversation with #EdEquityChat.

Joshua I. Stewart

Joshua I. Stewart earned his bachelor’s in political science and Hispanic studies from St. John's University in Minnesota. After graduating in 2013, he taught at an English language academy in Seoul, South Korea for a year, before working as a K-12 social studies and ESL teacher at an international school in Clark, Philippines. He now works as a digital media manager for brightbeam and Ed Post. Josh is passionate about cultural exchange, breaking down barriers between people and encouraging the next generation to adopt a global mindset.

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