Sharif El-Mekki

Sharif El-Mekki is the Founder and CEO of the Center for Black Educator Development. The Center exists to ensure there will be equity in the recruiting, training, hiring, and retention of quality educators that reflect the cultural backgrounds and share common socio-political interests of the students they serve. The Center is developing a nationally relevant model to measurably increase teacher diversity and support Black educators through four pillars: Professional learning, Pipeline, Policies and Pedagogy. So far, the Center has developed ongoing and direct professional learning and coaching opportunities for Black teachers and other educators serving students of color. The Center also carries forth the freedom or liberation school legacy by hosting a Freedom School that incorporates research-based curricula and exposes high school and college students to the teaching profession to help fuel a pipeline of Black educators. Prior to founding the Center, El-Mekki served as a nationally recognized principal and U.S. Department of Education Principal Ambassador Fellow. El-Mekki’s school, Mastery Charter Shoemaker, was recognized by President Obama and Oprah Winfrey, and was awarded the prestigious EPIC award for three consecutive years as being amongst the top three schools in the country for accelerating students’ achievement levels. The Shoemaker Campus was also recognized as one of the top ten middle school and top ten high schools in the state of Pennsylvania for accelerating the achievement levels of African-American students. Over the years, El-Mekki has served as a part of the U.S. delegation to multiple international conferences on education. He is also the founder of the Fellowship: Black Male Educators for Social Justice, an organization dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and developing Black male teachers. El-Mekki blogs on Philly's 7th Ward, is a member of the 8 Black Hands podcast, and serves on several boards and committees focused on educational and racial justice.

Posts By Sharif El-Mekki

Black teachers

Honoring Black History Means Honoring Black Educators

In the same way that Black History is as broad as all of American History, the legacy of Black educators is similarly expansive: Black teachers shape education and the entire profession and elevate...

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Learn, Baby, Learn: MLK Defended Self-Determination in Black Education

Every Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we must navigate competing realities: the enduring salience of his words and the ways they are all too often misused, the ways they are stripped of context,...

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The Real Cost of Equity Backlash in Schools Is Student Safety

With the arrival of the second Trump administration this January, a host of new dynamics and realities will emerge in education politics. The incoming president has made it known that he intends to...

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The Anti-DEI Crowd is Anti-Black Educator

Every child deserves an excellent education—every child. That’s a principle, presumably, no one would argue with, and I’ve spent my entire career working toward it. Yet, critiques of culturally...

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Black teachers

Radical Black Love: A Revolutionary Force at BMEC 2024

As the Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) concluded its 7th Annual Black Men in Education Convening (BMEC/#BMEC2024), which took place at the Loews Hotel November 21-23 in Philadelphia, I...

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Black Panther Party's Legacy: Empowering Education for Black Youth

The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense turned 58 this October. Its Ten-point Platform and Program, written by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, is as vital as ever. As a Black man who grew up as one...

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