Episode 31: Go Yonkers! Go Philly! (feat. Tracy Fray-Oliver & Derek S. Mitchell, Ph.D.)

Jul 30, 2019 12:00:00 AM

In this episode, we speak with recipients of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Networks For School Improvement Grants about how they are using the money to improve schools. You’ll hear from Tracy Fray-Oliver of the Bank Street College of Education about how the history of segregation is still affecting Yonkers area schools and from Derek S. Mitchell, Ph.D. of Partners In School Innovation about the best way to engage with teachers about social justice issues. [spp-player url=http://traffic.libsyn.com/voices4ed/31_-_Education_Post_-_Go_Yonkers_Go_Philly.mp3] [spp-tweet tweet="“What's been so powerful about this process is that it has created a space for teachers to be really honest and open about how they show up to this work.” – Tracy Fray-Oliver"]

Episode Details:

  • How Tracy’s experience with educational inequity as a student informs her work as an educator
  • How the Bank Street School is using their NSI funding
  • How the history of segregation is still affecting Yonkers area schools
  • Why Derek Mitchell got into education reform
  • How Partners In School Innovation using their NSI funding
  • The best way to engage with teachers about social justice issues

Links Mentioned:

[spp-tweet tweet="“To serve people well means to use language that has power for them. In addition, you need the language to be actionable.” – Derek S. Mitchell"]


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