Episode 37: Unexpected Homeschool Mom

Apr 13, 2020 12:00:00 AM

In this episode, you'll hear from Lane Wright's wife, Kerline, about what it has been like to suddenly be a homeschool teacher because of COVID-19. You'll hear about how it's changed her lifestyle, how she's coping with the increased workload and what she has learned from the process.


"Don't feel like you have to get everything done. I'm totally OK if something doesn't get done at the end of the day. The most important thing is that I was able to teach the kids some things and they're happy and playing." – Kerline Wright"

Episode Details:

  • How Kerline feels about homeschooling
  • What it's like to suddenly become a homeschool mom
  • The educational resources Kerline has been using
  • A typical schedule for Kerline and the kids
  • The most frustrating part of homeschooling
  • The biggest lesson Kerline has learned from homeschooling

Links Mentioned:

Tags: COVID-19

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