
opportunity gap

1984 Is Not Just a Dystopian Novel Anymore

The parent and community groups across the country who are scared of losing their power and control are convincing legislators to create laws that match their fears. The repeatedly banned book,...

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opportunity gap

Chicago Isn’t the Only City Putting Politics Over Kids

The politics of education are broken and we are seeing the effects of it play out in real-time. In Chicago, a stalemate over remote learning options and reopening of schools amidst the Omicron...

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opportunity gap

Equitable Learning Recovery Must Be Grounded in Solid Research

The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with political and social unrest, has deeply disrupted the lives and learning experiences of most students. It has created an urgent need to address long-standing...

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opportunity gap

5 Tips From States Leading the Way on Learning Recovery

With students back in classrooms and the true measure of missed learning during the pandemic becoming apparent, we at Zearn are often asked for “the one thing that schools should be doing to get...

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opportunity gap

Schools Now Have Tons of Money. What Are They Doing With It?

I live in Lawrence, New Jersey—a middle-class, diverse town, halfway between Princeton and Trenton. For years I was on the school board and was very active in local governance, but over the years...

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Achievement Gap

What School Leaders Do Has a Major Impact on Educational Outcomes

If our goal is to accelerate learning for those most impacted by the pandemic, we must make the most of the time that we have. We’ve known since TNTP’s The Opportunity Myth study that, all too often,...

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