Elizabeth Dabney

Elizabeth Dabney is the director for research and policy analysis at the Data Quality Campaign (DQC). She leads DQC’s research and policy analysis work in support of the organization’s goal to help ensure success for all students through access to and meaningful use of high-quality data. Elizabeth draws on more than 15 years of experience in education research. Before joining DQC in 2012, she worked at research firms, including Westat in Maryland and Metis Associates in New York. On the weekends, you can find Elizabeth practicing yoga and taking classes that let her explore her creative spirit.

Posts By Elizabeth Dabney

Before You Panic About Your High School Ranking, Find Out What the Data Really Says.

Oh, the angst that could be prevented by a bit of accurate data. One of my neighbors recently posted to our community Facebook group lamenting about US News and World Report’s best high school...

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