Charles Cole III

Charles Cole III is an educator and media producer focused on the advancement of all youth of color, but more specifically Black males. The passion comes from his own experiences growing up without proper support. His life’s goal is to better the communities he grew up in through his work. He has served as a social worker, a director for Teach For America, the vice chair of the California Young Democrats, Black Caucus and at a director’s level at various youth-focused nonprofits. Charles is a national speaker and writer and can be found in Oakland and around the country working with youth on how to equip themselves appropriately to lay the groundwork for a bright future. He is currently finishing his first book aimed at Black males titled, "Stop Hustling Backwards." Charles decided to return to work for the district he grew up in, as a community engagement specialist. There, he worked closely with the community to help drive policies that lead to educational transformation. Charles blogs at One Oakland United, Education Post, Citizen Education and Huffington Post, as well as other outlets.

Posts By Charles Cole III


MLK Taught Us We Can't Wait For The Perfect Allies

It’s that time of year. Get ready for the whitewashing and sanitary retellings of who MLK was and what his holiday should mean. Instead of spending another year starting and stopping at “I Have a...

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Achievement Gap

Grades Mean Nothing in Oakland Schools

In Oakland, we are facing a critical challenge that threatens the future of our students: the stark disconnect between the grades they receive and their actual proficiency in essential subjects like...

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The State of the [Black Education] Union: No One Is Coming to Save Us

Ladies, gentlemen, and fellow citizens, the state of the Black Education Union is not strong. The nameless and faceless “system” is still failing Black students. To be clear, they are failing nearly...

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Student Voice

#MyBlackHistory: My Parents Decided to Go Back to College 30 Years Later. Here's How My Story Inspired Them.

To commemorate Black History Month, Education Post is featuring stories from parents, students and educators that connect past to present in the continued fight for better schools for Black...

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Charter Schools

I'm a Card-Carrying Member of the NAACP and I Want to Apologize to Black Parents

I owe you an apology. I watched you show up in Cincinnati, Ohio for the NAACP's national board meeting, yearning to be heard by board members, prior to their vote ratifying a resolution for a...

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