Anna Baldwin

Anna Baldwin is a high school English teacher at Arlee High School and has been teaching on the Flathead Indian Reservation for the past 17 years. She designed and teaches Native American studies for the Montana Digital Academy and taught English methods courses at the University of Montana for four years as an adjunct assistant professor. She has been selected as a 2016 Classroom Teaching Ambassador Fellow with the U.S. Department of Education. Baldwin is the recipient of several awards, including the Horace Mann Excellence in Teaching Award, Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts Distinguished Educator Award, and the Award for Excellence in Culturally Responsive Teaching from Teaching Tolerance. She was the 2014 Montana Teacher of the Year.

Posts By Anna Baldwin


I Knew It Was Time to Leave My Classroom. I Hope 20 Years Was Enough.

Every tough decision comes with some measure of remorse for what could have been. As I finish out my 20th and final year as a teacher and prepare to move into an office to serve as my district’s...

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It’s Time to Transform Our Schools, and Teachers Should Lead It

I’ve always known the education system is a like a large, slow freighter. Teaching in a public school for two decades reveals to anyone that this ship is slow, hulking and hard to turn. But it wasn’t...

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My Native American Students Don’t Need to Be Taught About Racism But They Do Need a Space to Talk About It

Just this year alone, Kanye West has said slavery was a “choice,” Roseanne Barr compared former Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, Starbucks closed down 8,000 stores to hold anti-bias training...

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What It's Like Teaching From Inside a Suicide Epidemic

If you’ve read past the title you already know what this post is about. If you’re still reading, it’s because you want to learn more, or because you already know and hope to find empathy. This post...

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If You're Thinking About Becoming a Principal, You Should Read This Letter

Dear Future Principal: As you slog your way through classes that will directly affect your future work as a principal, I need you to remember a few points even more important than your lessons. You...

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I Made Every Phone Call, Sent Every Email, Text and Tweet So My Student Could Attend the College of Her Dreams

For two years in my English class, we had talked about her dreams of becoming an intelligence analyst at the CIA. Unlike some students, this one’s dreams were realistic. As salutatorian of her...

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