
If You're Still Wondering What Equity Means for Our Students, These 10 Edu-Tweeters Will Expand Your Thinking

Written by Michelle Cottrell-Williams | Jul 18, 2019 4:00:00 AM

My professional life changed the day I discovered the power of a well-considered Twitter feed. No longer stuck in the bubble of my school or district, I was able to find like-minded people to connect with, as well as follow and learn from educators with differing life experiences and perspectives. 

As I was browsing my news feed a couple of years ago, it hit me that every avatar I scrolled past had a white face. While it felt validating to see many of my own ideas about education shared across the Twitterverse, it had become a self-affirming echo chamber. [pullquote]That day, I made the choice to start intentionally seeking out and following educators of color. I meant to expand and diversify my network; what I found was that I still have a whole lot of learning left to do.[/pullquote]

Once I started following, listening to and learning from educators of color on Twitter, I saw how rarely I had actually considered these perspectives in my classroom. Yes, I taught about Black Lives Matter in my sociology classes. Yes, I saw my diverse students as having rich and valuable life experiences that could contribute to the welcoming environment I worked to foster in my classroom. But [pullquote position="right"]I still had no idea how much my own Whiteness filtered my worldview.[/pullquote] Paying attention has allowed me to truly progress on my journey to becoming the teacher my students need me to be.

Here are the first 10 people to follow on Twitter if you want to break out of your own bubble and truly understand what equity means for your students. This list is certainly not exhaustive and leaves out some really great educators, but it is a place to start.

I chose these 10 edu-tweeters because they are especially active and engaged in creating a culture of dialogue that pushes my thinking. They are also pretty responsive to comments. Once you start following them, I encourage you to notice who they are tagging most often and explore the “Who to Follow” suggestions on their pages to continue growing your network.

  1. @ValeriaBrownEdu: Val Brown is an educator extraordinaire. She founded @ClearTheAir, facilitates Teaching Tolerance training and continues to lead the way in what’s right in education.
  2. @mochamomma: Kelly Wickham Hurst is the Executive Director of Being Black at School. She is also a speaker, activist and educator.
  3. @DingleTeach: Marian Dingle teaches elementary math and passionately advocates for all kids. She is compassionate and fierce as she holds others lovingly accountable to their responsibility as educators.
  4. @MisterMinor: Cornelius Minor is an educator and the author of “We Got This: Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to Be.” He works to support equitable literacy reform around the world.
  5. @VivettDukes: Vivett Dukes started #SafeSpaceConvos and #SpeakYaTruth to advocate for families impacted by mass incarceration. She seeks to provide a space for all voices to be heard.
  6. @triciaebarvia: Tricia Ebarvia is an English educator and co-founder of #DisruptTexts. She is an English educator driven to help others find their purpose. 
  7. @nenagerman: Lorena Germán advocates for culturally sustaining pedagogies (CSP) in schools. She is a co-founder of #DisruptTexts and chairs the Committee Against Racism & Bias in the Teaching of English (#CARBTE).
  8. @juliaerin80: Julia Torres is an “Educator for Liberation.” She is part of the EduColor movement, fighting for equity and social justice, and is a co-founder of #DisruptTexts.
  9. @CSpearsEDU: Christina Spears is an educator and equity leader. She writes for Teaching in Color and co-founded the first #ClearTheAirRDU home group.
  10. @TheJLV: José Luis Vilson teaches math in NYC. He is the author of This is Not a Test: A New Narrative on Race, Class, and Education, speaker and founder of EduColor.

Bonus Hashtags for Better Conversations

Here are four incredible hashtags to follow. Read, learn and join in some chats!

For even more suggestions, connect with me on Twitter @WakeHistory and I’ll send you a list of at least a dozen more. And please share some of your favorites with me!