Lee Anne Hill

Lee Anne Hill holds a B.A. in English, M.A. in teaching, and National Board Certification in secondary language arts. She currently teaches at North Oldham High School in Goshen, Kentucky. A teacher for 14 years, she currently teaches honors junior English, AP English language and AP capstone seminar. Hill loves working with high school students and teaching a challenging yet rewarding curriculum. She loves watching students gain new skills and confidence. She believes in developing strong student-teacher relationships to promote student confidence and success! When Hill is not teaching, she enjoys spending time with her husband and four children.

Posts By Lee Anne Hill


I Got Pregnant When I Was 18 and My Teachers Supported Me. Now I'm a Teacher, Too.

Sometimes, as a teacher of high school students, I need to remind myself of who I was as a high school student. If memory serves, I was more concerned with friend and boyfriend drama than I was with...

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